As part of the HyCoRA project, commercial instrumentation was acquired for sampling and gas and particulates from hydrogen refueling stations. In HYDRAITE, sampling is going to be performed by several of the project partners. In conjunction with the HYDRAITE M6 project meeting hosted by NPL on 2018-06-28, a demonstration of the use of the Linde gas sampler and the HYDAC particulate sampler was given by SINTEF Industry.
In HyCoRA, more than 40 samples were collected. With no laboratories in Europe capable of hydrogen quality analytis in compliance with ISO 14687, the gas samples were shipped to the US for analysis by Smart Chemistry. One of the main goals of HYDRAITE is to establish laboratory facilities in Europe capable of conducting hydrogen fuel quality control. NPL, ZBT and ZSW are the partners aiming to establish laboratory facilities in Europe as part of HYDRAITE.
ITM Power was present for the demonstration, providing one of the two vehicles required for the sampling. The project coordinator, VTT, was also present at the demonstration.